5 quick games that require no setup!

These 5 games are FUN, easy, engaging and don’t require any set up! Sometimes we dont have the time to put the effort in to make an amazing game, and for kids to have fun you dont always need to. Sometimes we need something that works and we can run on the spur of the moment.…

Scissors Paper Rock Battle!

Rules:Each child is given 2 “Lives”. The object of the game is for the kids to challenge each other to a game of paper, scissors rock to gain money. The winner of the challenge gets a life note from the player the beat. The game continues until one kid has all the lives, or it can finish earlier…

Poison Pole – Kids Version

Rules: Every player holds hands in a circle around an up turned bin. Players push and pull other players in the attempt to push them into the bin without breaking hands. If a player touches the bin they are out. If two players let go of hands they are both out. When someone is out, pause the…

Musical squares

Rules: Similar to musical chairs. Seven or more squares are drawn with tape on the ground inside each other getting smaller as you go in. Everyone must run around outside the largest square with music playing. When the music stops they must all stand inside the first and largest squares. If a player doesn’t fit in the square with the…

King Ball

Rules: Divide the kids in two teams. This game is like dodge ball but different. The kids must either get all the kids in the other team out or knock all the opposition cones over. Three cones need to be placed at the back of each team’s side with a line down the middle of the room.…

Human Tic-Tac-Toe (noughts and crosses)

Rules: players are split into two equal teams and given a number. There must be one of each number on each team. The teams line up facing each other and nine squares are set up between the teams in the traditional tic-tac-toe form(3×3). The front leader says a number and the players assigned that number must run and sit…

Dragon Run

Rules: Split the kids into two even teams. The kids of each team get in a line holding the shoulders of their team mate in front of them. There will be two lines of kids chasing each other with the object being for the person at the front of the team to tag the person at the back…


Rules: Everyone must run around an area while the music plays. (like you would in musical chairs. Set up chairs if you need to, although they wont be used for the game) When the music stops the Leader will say a Number, a Color and a Shape (Can be a shape, animal, house hold tool etc. )