5 quick games that require no setup!

These 5 games are FUN, easy, engaging and don’t require any set up!

Sometimes we dont have the time to put the effort in to make an amazing game, and for kids to have fun you dont always need to. Sometimes we need something that works and we can run on the spur of the moment. Maybe the video didn’t work and you need to fill 5 minutes while the production guys sort it out. So here are 5 games that require no setup!

Caution: Do not only run games like this every week or kids will get bored

1. River Bank

Almost everyone knows how to play river bank, it might be the simplest game you can play, all you need is a line on the ground. Typically we make the line out of tape, but it can be drawn on with chalk or a length of rope.

The goal of this game is to be the last kid in. You get out if you jump on the wrong side of the line or if you step on the line. Also after a time get the slowest kids out.

Description: Designate one side of the line as “River” and the other as “Bank”. To start the game all the kids stand in the river, then the leader says “on the bank” and all the kids must jump over the line without touching it onto the other side (the bank). The leader then calls “in the river” and all the kids must jump over the line to the other side (the river).

Repeat the process slowly a couple of times until the kids have the hang of it then say the same side that they are on and if they jump they are out. The game is made more challenging by saying something like “in the bank” instead of “on the bank” or “on the river” instead of “in the river”. Get all the kids out quickly by making them jump fast and getting the slowest kids out. E.g. Bank, river, bank, river, bank in one saying, the last kid to complete this is out.

2. Cars

Sometimes called Holden Buggie Ford. The game starts with all the kids sitting on a chair in a circle facing outwards, label each of the kids a car brand Holden, Buggie or Ford. When the leader calls “holden”, all the kids who were labeled Holden must get up and run clockwise around the circle. The leader will then call out commands that the kids must follow otherwise they are out. Commands: “U-turn” – Turn around and run the other direction. “Red light” – kids must immediately stop and freeze. “Green light” – means kids can run again as normal. “Crash” – Roll on the floor or run into a wall. “NOS injection” – Sprint as fast as possible. “Police” – Run back to your seat.

Once police is called the last kid back to their seat is out, kids can also get out by being bad or slow at the directions, if they simply stop and sit down for a “crash” then they are out they need to roll and act a crash or if they are too slow for “NOS” then they are out too. The last kid remaining is the winner.

3. Heavy Head

Heavy head is similar to simon says but with only three commands, 1 – “Heavy something” 2 – “stand back up” and 3 – “light something”. Simply say “heavy head” and the kids all have to touch their head to the ground, the slowest kid is out. After that call “stand back up” which is self explainatory. Then you can call “heavy right hand and light left hand” the kids must put their right hand on the ground and their left hand in the air. Do some challenging ones like “heavy nose and light feet”, kids will enjoy trying to do a hand stand on their face. This game is simply continued until one kid is remaining, I always like to finish the last two kids off with “heavy tounge” and see which kids are happy to lick the floor.

4. Pirate Ship

Pirate Ship is another game where the leader calls commands from the front. In this game each wall of the room is given a ship side, Port, Starboard, Bow and Stern. When a side is called the kids must run to the side. This is a good game to wear the kids out if they have alot of energy and are out of control. The slowest kid is out, the last kid left wins.

There are other commands that can be added in as the kids are running. “Scrub the deck” – the kids must kneel down and pretend to clean the floor. “Climb the rigging” – the kids must pretend to climb a ladder. “Captains coming” – the kids must stand at attention. “Captains gone” – The kids must stick their tounge out and blow a rasberry. “Captains girlfriend” – The kids must whistle a whoop whoop. “Man overboard” – The kids must pretend to jump overboard. Basically with this game the leader running the game can call out whatever they want and give a short direction of what to do, make up your own directions. The slowest kids or un-energetic kids when doing the actions are out.

5. Kings Queens Jacks

Possibly the second simplest game after River Bank. Kids must get into partners, and make between them the position “kings” “queens” or “jacks” when they are called out by the leader.

The Kings position is one kid kneeling and the other sitting on their knee.

The Queens position is one kid holding the other kid in their arms like a baby.

The Jacks position is one kid giving the other a piggie-back.

The slowest pair to complete the commands are is out or the ones that fall over/cannot hold their position. Make it harder as you going along by speeding up the command calls. The last pair remaining are the winners.


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